Operational Maintenance
The situation
On the back of a 30% improvement in the production space the task was to extend the organisation ‘wiring’ to the maintenance department to improve operational performance management down the line from General Manager to the supervisory levels. This included key contractual partnerships, such as specific underground fleet workshops.
The DBA involvement
We designed and installed the key ‘rhythms and routines’ essential to optimise maintenance efficiencies and effectiveness:
Designed, introduced and drove sustainability in the realms of the maintenance management operating system (MOS) and aligned this with the site wide approach
Incorporated the review of the 90-day plan into the weekly performance review and ensured that this was aligned to the annual business plan
Focussed maintenance cost visibility and the accountability cascade
Introduced 15 structured performance review meetings where new data driven performance indicators were introduced to align key value drivers to specific accountabilities
Collaborated with various stakeholders at the mine to identify and prioritise the key rhythms and routines
The introduction of a true needs-based forecasting conversation was supported by a drive to include annual bottom up budgeting principles in work practices.
Key Outcomes
Work management - improvements in most Key Performance Indicators were noticed and compliance to maintenance schedules by frontline teams improved significantly. Artisans no longer chose for themselves when to complete workorders.
Cost control - supervisors reported weekly reviews were helping them become more cost conscious; many said that they were now only buying parts they could not repair. This was a vast turnaround from how they were doing things before DBA’s intervention.
Planning integration - inclusion of planning and A&I in weekly execution reviews helped to foster a team approach and resolve issues more quickly.
Installed new RPMs in execution and support departments
Developed individual dashboards for use at weekly review sessions
Actual costs were made more visible
Incorporated review of the 90 day plan into weekly performance review